Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Literacy Crises: Why Johnny Can't Write

Histories of/with Writing Instruction

How would you characterize your history with writing instruction?

What do you remember your teachers or professors emphasizing about writing?

What topics do you remember writing about (or being asked to write about)?

How was the writing process explained to you (if it at all)?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Proposal Workshop

As always, begin with the authors' questions and concerns about the draft. Then move on to your questions and concerns as readers. At some point during the workshop, be sure to also address these issues (offering specific suggestions for revision as you do so):

  • Descriptiveness: Is the proposal’s description of the solution detailed/specific enough?
  • Persuasiveness: Is the proposal persuasive, both in terms of its use of rhetorical appeals and it attempts to address the audience(s) to whom it is speaking?
  • Document Design: Is the proposal designed in a professional and rhetorically effective manner?
  • Local Level Concerns: Does the proposal read as if one person authored it? Are there any grammar or usage errors? Is there a title that’s specific to that particular proposal?