Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Collaboration/Collective Intelligence Thought Experiment

Imagine you’re consulting for a textile company that’s still functioning on the old industrial model (hierarchical command-and-control organization, assembly line logic, isolated individuals working apart from one another). Make an argument for revising this model and installing a more collaborative, post-industrial model. What practical changes would you recommend and why?

Smart Mobs Questions

Answer on a clean sheet of paper. I will be collecting these...

1. What is a "smart mob?" What are its characteristics? How does a smart mob form? (If it helps, feel free to draw on one or more of the examples Howard Rheingold cites.)

2. What do smart mobs have to do with technical writing? What can we learn about technical writing by studying smart mobs?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Instructions Questions

Answer on the back:

1. Describe your intended audience and rhetorical situation.

2. What about this assignment was most challenging for you?

3. What do you see as the strengths of your document? What would you continue to revise if you had time?